1826 Locust Street, Bainbridge, GA 31717 +1 (212) 269-1000 support@example.com


I am a son of the Sicilian sea but I have lived in Rome for a lifetime: I have always had a passion for photography, all my photographs have always been taken in a naive, immediate way; they shape the experience, an encounter, an event in which I inevitably intruded, invaded what was happening in front of the lens but there was no other way to document it. I love travel photography: venturing beyond the boundaries of one's culture enriches us with new knowledge, even at the cost of sometimes sacrificing one's moral coordinates instead of maintaining a misplaced sense of cultural superiority. There is an effort to illustrate a world by showing that reality has a pathos and this pathos is beauty and, at the same time, to tear off the mask by inserting its image, its moral and emotional weight: the reality represented is information but also the meaning of this information.

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